
CH Shenandoah Danzig


Breeder/Co-owner Sally Minetree

Ch.Elvenhome Keep Going x Shenandoah Georgie Girl

R.I.P Berkeley, Simply the Best

I said goodbye to my Berkeley, CH Shenandaoah Danzig (CH Elvenhome Keep Going x Shenandoah Georgie Girl) he was 13. He was the best cavalier and dog I could have the privilege to care for and to be loved by, and will always be my #1 cavalier. We shared many firsts together, he was my first cavalier, my first show dog, my first champion dog and my first I showed at Westminster and at a national, my only heart and soul dog, he was truly a blessing to have been owned by. It is because of him that I now have friends around the world as well as many friends here in the US and in Virginia. He was diagnosed with a murmur at age 9 and went on meds at age 11. Many thanks to his vets, Kara Kolster and Steve Escobar at Springfield as well as his cardiologist Dr. Weidman for the care they gave him. I know my dad was there to greet him with a pocket full of endless dog treats at the rainbow bridge. The song in the video was our routine, his theme song, played before every show as we were unloading. He will always be Simply the Best. R.I.P. Berk, forever in my heart......

He is the sire of Seymour:

Berkeley and Seymour

and he is the grand sire to Paducah

and I see him in them everyday, his gentle expression, his loving nature, and his handsome looks. His father was Ch Elvenhome Keep Going who was ranked in the top 5 Cavaliers in his day, his father lived to be almost 14 years of age.


AKC  CH Elvenhome Keep Going ROM AUST & NZ CH Prestonville Blackmoor Prestonville Viking
AUST & NZ CH Prestonville Giv'm Sade
Aust Ch. Elvenhome Keepsake Baron De Gasconny
Elvenhome Kaleche
Shenandoah Georgie Girl Shenandoah Go For The Gold USA Ch. Cedarbark Cosmos of Nightingale
Gray Stone Hell's A Poppin'
Shenandoah Midnight Sun USA Ch. Cedarbark Cosmos of Nightingale
Gray Stone Hell's A Poppin'


Berkeley Cavaliers

Regal Elegance

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